Technology is used in many ways in the agricultural world, including assisting with winter farming. Sure, farmers in Arizona don't need to worry about blizzards harming their crops. But the winter weather can still affect crop health and technology can be a huge help in navigating those impacts.

Here at Arizona Tractor Sales, we strive to make your life easier. We gathered up the following tips on using technology for winter farming. For more advice or to shop farm equipment for sale, contact our friendly staff. We proudly serve those throughout the western United States.


If you use a greenhouse, this piece of technology will be a great asset for winter farming. With iGrowing, you can monitor the conditions inside the greenhouse...without needing to enter it and take measurements by hand. This is a massive time saver! Get information about humidity and temperatures from your smartphone, then use this data to make any needed changes to your heating strategy.


While this technology was not specifically designed for the agricultural community, it can be a helpful resource for winter farming. Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger of transactions, which is helping influence the ways that products get tracked and supply chain efficiency gets analyzed.

Farmers can use Blockchain to track where their crops go and how transportation can be more efficient. Winter farming often brings with it a bit more downtime, which is a great time to begin to learn new tools so you can take full advantage of them once the farming season gets busier.

Business Technology

Winter is a common time to look over the numbers from the year and compare them to years past. The business side of farming can also be improved with the right technology. There are many apps, programs, and websites that can make organizing and analyzing farm data much easier and much more efficient. The right one for you depends on personal preference, so it's wise to look over the various options before picking one to input all your information into.

Use a Weather App

A key part of winter farming is staying up-to-date on weather patterns. The right app will give you information on:

  • How low the temperatures will get.
  • Upcoming deep freezes.
  • Warnings about an impending flood.
  • Other types of poor weather conditions that can affect the health of your crops and the yields of your farm.

A weather app can also help you plan for the last frost date. Using this information, you can decide when to plant and avoid starting the growing season too soon.

Want more winter farming advice? Want to shop agricultural equipment for sale? Whatever you need, Arizona Tractor Sales is here for you. Reach out today! We serve the western United States and are happy to help with whatever you need.