It's important to take care of the various parts of your excavator, which includes the undercarriage. Proper maintenance helps optimize performance and prevent wear, saving you time and money.

Here at Arizona Tractor Sales, we strive to make your life easier. We created the following guide to undercarriage maintenance. For more maintenance tips or to shop for excavators for sale, contact our experts. We proudly serve those throughout the western United States.

Excavator Track Tension

The excavator's track tension needs to be correctly set. When it's too loose, the bushings and sprockets can face increased wear. When it's too tight, the undercarriage can face increased wear.

Start by consulting the owner's manual to find the right tension for the excavator. Then, let the equipment run for about 30 minutes. This will allow the excavator to acclimate to the working conditions. Check the tension every 10 to 15 hours of use.

Note that there may be times that you will want to change the track tension for a given terrain. For example, it's common to loosen the tension for muddy conditions and tighten the tension for firm ground.

Excavator Shoe Width

The excavator's shoe width also needs to match the terrain. When it's too narrow, it's easier for debris to get stuck in the undercarriage. When it's too wide, the shoes can face increased wear.

For hard or rocky terrain, narrower shoes are best. They provide better soil penetration as well as grip.

For soft or loose terrain, wider excavator shoes are ideal. They offer better flotation and reduced ground pressure.

The goal is to use the narrowest shoe width possible that results in the needed flotation.

Built-Up Undercarriage Debris

One of the most important steps in excavator undercarriage maintenance is regular cleaning. It's common for debris to get stuck in the undercarriage and begin to build up. It's more than an aesthetic issue. It can cause many problems.

First, the debris can place excess stress on the excavator's parts. This increases the rate of wear and results in parts replacements being needed sooner.

Second, the debris adds extra weight to the undercarriage. This reduces the excavator's fuel efficiency, which increases excavator operation costs.

Third, the debris can impede your ability to inspect the various excavator parts. This can make it harder to notice problems.

Try to clean out the excavator undercarriage at the end of every workday. The debris will become harder to remove the longer that you wait to address it. Simply use a shovel or pressure washer to clear the debris away.

Want more maintenance advice? Want to shop for excavators for sale? Whatever you need, the friendly staff at Arizona Tractor Sales is here to help. Reach out today!