Is your business looking to buy a forklift? Ask yourself the following questions to help narrow the search and find the right model for your needs.

If you want more buying tips or want to explore forklifts for sale, contact the experts at Arizona Tractor Sales. We proudly serve those throughout the western United States.

What Is the Worksite Like?

The Worksite Terrain

Start by considering where you will use the forklift, which influences the types of tires you will need.

Some forklifts are used indoors. They move across surfaces such as concrete. Here, cushion tires are best.

Other forklifts are used outdoors. They travel across surfaces like gravel and dirt. In these cases, pneumatic tires are ideal.

The Worksite Space

Next, consider how much room the forklift will have to move around.

For example, maybe the worksite is cramped or contains narrow aisles that the forklift will need to navigate. Look for compact forklifts that can take tight turns.

What Will the Forklift Carry?

It's important that the forklift will be compatible with the intended cargo.

First, consider the cargo's weight. Think about the heaviest load that will need to be carried and make sure to get a forklift that can handle that given weight.

Second, consider the type of cargo. Food, for example, could be contaminated by the emissions of forklifts. If you'll be handling food, you may want an electric forklift.

Where Will Cargo Be Unloaded From?

Think about the way that the cargo will be arriving. For example, maybe the cargo will be unloaded from a trailer. Odds are, you will need a compact forklift. That way, there will be enough room for the trailer and the forklift in the given workspace.

How High Will the Cargo Be Lifted?

Think about where the cargo will be going. Look for a forklift that matches that maximum needed height.

How Often Will the Forklift Be Used?

It's important that the forklift's durability matches its intended lifespan.

Maybe you only use the forklift a few hours every week or month. This won't place much wear and tear on the equipment and you can get by with a less durable model.

Or maybe you will use the forklift for extended hours each day. Make sure to get a forklift that can withstand that high amount of use without needing to be replaced in a few years. The more often you'll use the forklift, the more you will want to invest in a high quality model.

Ready to shop for forklifts for sale? Explore the selection at Arizona Tractor Sales. We proudly serve the western United States and can help you find the perfect match for your company.